Month: June 2017

Computers 19 : Arduino Project? Love Meter #3


Project 3 : Love Meter

1.How does the temperature sensor work?

2. What does the serial monitor do? How is useful for this project?

3. What is a constant? How do we use them in the love meter?

4. What does Serialbegin () mean?

5. How fast is Arduino communicating in this project? (baud rate)

6. What does the local variable called sensorVal do?

7. What happens when you use Serial.print?

8. Why did we use float for the voltage instead of int (integer)?

9. What difference is there between Serialprint and Serialprintln ()?

10. What does the love meter program do? How is it using the temperature sensor and how does it react to it?

love explosion

Report cards are coming.


Computers 19: Project 2 questions

Project 2:

  1. What two states can the Arduino’s digital pins read?
  2. Are they inputs or outputs?
  3. What does digitalWrite do?
  4. What does digitalRead do?
  5. What are the two main functions every Arduino program has? What do they do?
  6. What does it mean to declare a variable? Give an example.
  7. What is an Argument when we are talking about functions?
  8. What does an if statement do? Give an example.
  9. What does an else component bring to the party (if by party we mean program). You say program, I say party. Program… party! Program…party! O.k. now let’s all stop chanting mindlessly and get to back to work 🙂
  10. What does delay do? How many milliseconds in a second?
  11. Why do resistors have colored bands?
  12. What would yellow green blue  gold mean on a 4 color resistor?

Computers 19: Arduino day 2: The q for project 1

Questions for beginners: Answer these on a word doc. Make sure all group members names are on it.

Project 1:

  1. What do we have to do with the code after it is written?
  2. After we do the answer to step one, what do we do with the code?
  3. Where do we enter the code for the Arduino?
  4. What do we need for current to flow?
  5. What is a circuit in series?
  6. What is a parallel circuit?
  7. What is Ohm’s law? What do each of the parts mean?
  8. Why do you need a resistor ?
  9. What is a cathode?
  10. What is an anode?
  11. What are the four things about circuits mentioned on pg.22?
  12. What is a switch?
  13. What is an LED?
  14. What do we build on circuits on?
  15.  What is an Arduino?

Computers 19: Programming Concept Cartoons

Greetings and Salutations.


Today we are going to start thinking about programming. You are going to sign up for a programming concept from the list below. (Mr. S. will have a printed copy for you to sign up for). Then you will  make a cartoon on a piece of paper that Mr. S gives you that explains how the concept works with real world and computer programming examples: from C and Python. Someone who reads the cartoon should understand what it is and how it works. Tomorrow, you will post your cartoon somewhere in the class and everyone will check it out to learn about that concept.

lolcat programmer


Binary: How it relates to computers, Counting up to 16, comparison to base 10.

Program structure: Describe each part of the program and what the brackets,

Variables: What are they and what do they do

Variable type: Character

Variable type: String

Variable type: Integers

Variable type: Boolean

Conditional statements: IF THEN ELSE



Declaring Variables/ Constants

Boolean logic Truth tables

OUTPUT: PRINTF With code examples including hello world!

IDE: what are they, whats good and bad about them, 2 examples

POWERSHELL/ TERMINAL: What is it,  what it looks like, 5 commands, how do we get there in Windows and Linux, advantages and disadvantages

lolcat programmer 2

Here is a resource:

lolcat programmer 3