Month: December 2023

DTP MD 9~10: Just Before Winter Break MC Project: Station to Station


For our last project before Winter Break, make two stations in Minecraft and a powered rail line between them. Of course you can do it in creative mode, and this time the group size is as big as you want to make it. Make sure you police yourselves, and kick out vandals from you group!

Make the stations look nice! If you use a flat world, your stations have to be fancier than one made with normal terrain.

If you accidently bring your agent in to the world, remember you can banish them with /remove @c as long as you are an operator!

DTP MD 9~10: Analogous Amphibians

When say 3 colors are Analogous, that means that they are side by side on the color wheel. This makes them useful, but to stop it being overwhelming, use one color as the main, and the other two as accents.

For this assignment, choose any type of amphibian you would like to draw and draw it. Then you can color it in using analogous colors. Amphibians live on the land, and in the water. They include toads, salamanders, frogs, newts, and caecilians. A caecilian is a limbless worm or snake shaped amphibian whose eyes are either very small or don’t even exist!

Go here and set the box to analogous. 


Choose one of the colors to be the dominant (main) color, and use the others for smaller details on the creatures body. 

Don’t forget to draw a place for the amphibian to be!

DTP MD 9~10: Monochromatic Vehicle

For the next step in our journey around the color wheel, we are going to explore Monochromatic art. You might think mono (one) Chromatic (color) projects would look uninteresting, but you would be mistaken. There is only one color, true, but monochromatic art has many shades, tones, and tints of one color.

When you are making art with monochromatic shades, you should think about balance, using neutrals, and patterns.

Balancing colors basically means not overusing a single color and not using too many dark or light shades. Instead, try to use a mix of light, medium, and dark colors to create both contrast and visual interest.

Creating patterns like stripes, geometric shapes, or polka dots will make the art more interesting and less monotonous.

Neutrals like white, grey and black can also be added in to enhance your design. They help create contrast, make a backdrop, and break up the monotony of a single color.

For today’s assignment, create a monochromatic vehicle of your choice. It can be any kind of vehicle, from an attack helicopter to a bicycle. Go to this website Paletton.


You can move the dot on the left to create monchromatic palettes on the right. Clicking on one of the squares will give you the HTML color code. 

Make sure your vehicle has lots of small details so you can color them in different colors. 



DTP MD 9~10: Color Theory: This Hero/Heroine is Complementary (colored)


Today we are going to continue learning about colors. The part of color theory we are going to use today is complimentary colors. The idea of complimentary colors comes from Isaac Newton (the theory of gravity guy), who took the color spectrum and put in on a circle. This circle shows the relationship between colors.  Colors that go together well are know as a color harmony.

We are going to concentrate on complimentary colors today.  That means a pair of colors that are opposite of each other on the color wheel. This will result in a high contrast, high impact color combination. That means together they will look brighter and more prominent.

A lot of super heroes costume colors are chosen with this color arrangement.

Check out this page: LINK

Set the Color combination to Complementary and then choose a color on the wheel. The wheel will show you the other complementary color. Draw a new super hero /heroine, they can be human, demi-human, or even a robot. Have a lot of details on their costume and alternate one pair of complementary colors. You can add in some small details in other colors, but the costume should mostly be that complementary color pair. Make an interesting background for your hero/heroine.


bat gangsuperman_PNG57

DTP MD 9~10: Ad for a gift for a Caveperson

Make a cave painting style advertisement for a gift for someone living a 40,000 years ago. They only have stuff made from wood, bone, or stone. They don’t have any language, but you need to make a cave wall ad for them. What will it look like? How will you use pictures to get your points across to them?

Have : something that a cave person would want, and 3 points why they would want it, but you have to show those points with pictures you draw yourself, no words. Remember they don’t have as many different colors available either. If you like you can open up the swatch library and choose art history> Prehistoric.

Swatch library prehistoric

DTP MD 9~10: A Modern Coat of Arms

A coat of arms was a way for people to identify other people in battle, claim membership in a house, and tell other people about the person wearing it.

Now we often see people wearing symbols of companies or brands.

What you are going to do is come up  with your own modern coat of arms.

The coat of arms we are going to make will have 10 distinct parts, and you have to draw them all yourself.

The coat of arms should have things that represent who you are, or your hobbies, or your dreams, where you are from, what you are proud of, or what you like.  Design the coat of arms before you start drawing anything, and hand in the planning image that will be labeled with what will go in each place.


The bottom will have a motto. This should be a short saying that reflects you and what you believe. Don’t use a brand slogan please. Use the brush library, decorative banner brushes to make a scroll for your motto to go on top of.

Above the motto will be a shield divided in two four parts. You can make a shield pretty easily with the rectangle tool and the direct selection arrow. Draw out two rectangles, then use direct selection to select one anchor point and delete it. When you fill the three pointed rectangle, you will see it’s a triangle now, perfect for the bottom of your shield. Use pathfinder unite to link the triangle to your rectangle and you have a shield.

Divide your shield in two four parts with the rulers. (View>Rulers, then just drag them in to place where you want them. Figure out what you want to put in each part, and what image will represent that. You might have the bottom left mean your past and put a favorite childhood toy there, or maybe it means pets and you put your favorite pet there.

Once you have the four areas of the shield filled in, you have to think about supporters. A supporter is something that holds up the shield on both sides. What is supporting you and helping you? Is it a thing like breakfast in the morning, a person, a place you feel you belong, a hobby? Draw two of them on either side of the shield.

Next is the helmet or hat. What hat represents you? A knights helmet, a baseball hat, a toque? Choose one and draw it in colors that you like. Make it detailed.

After the headgear, you have to make mantling. This is some kind of flowers, vines or some other long thing that you will put on the sides of the helmet/hat.

Last but not least, a crest. The crest should a symbol that looks cool and represents something about you.

Modern coat of arms guide

This is the old style (below), you are making a new style! Torse means helmet. Sinster and dexter just means left and right. You can add a mound and garter if you want.

old coat

DTP MD 9~10: Last Light/First Light

Draw an outside scene with some natural features (like trees, rocks, cliffs, waterfalls, deserts, etc) and some manmade elements (tent, car, house, etc). Copy the image on to another artboard in the same document. Show how it looks different at the first light of the day, versus the last light of the day. Don’t forget to include a light source and shadows. Remember the main light source ( the sun) will move over the course of the day. You can have more than one light source.

Dawn vs dusk
